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Youth: Ready, Steady, Participate!

118 pages, pdf
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Youth: Ready, Steady, Participate!

Publisher: Croatian Youth Network

Date: 2011

Volume: 118 pages, pdf


The “Youth Policy Backpack” project was implemented by the Croatian Youth Network (CYN) and the National Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS) during 2010 and 2011. We have been cooperating together for several years in the fields of youth participation and strengthening youth organizations. The idea for the project came out of our common needs expressed by our member organizations. We are aware that youth participation in Europe is very diverse and complex and that young people participate in social and political processes more than ever. Young people are the force which makes our societies leap forward and which contributes to positive social change. However, there are also numerous challenges which impede young people in exercising their right to participation. Youth are still facing resistance and widespread misunderstanding when demanding to participate in decision-making processes.