CESD Policy Report on Tourism Sector in Azerbaijan
16 pages , pdf
CESD Policy Report on Tourism Sector in Azerbaijan
Publisher: Center for Economic & Social Development, Azerbaijan
Date: July , 2011
Volume: 16 pages , pdf
In Azerbaijan, 2011 has been declared the “Year of Tourism.” The tourism sector is of key importance as one of the priority directions of the non-state sector. Today works are carried out to draw tourists from foreign countries. In addition, works are carried out to promote tourism opportunities of Azerbaijan abroad.
Overall, the tourism sector is a leading sector among the non-state sectors due to its scale. 10 percent of GNP and 8 percent of export of the world countries come from the tourism sector. 8.1 percent of the able-bodied population are engaged in the tourism sector and related areas. According to the ‘World Tourism Organization’, in the world tourism incomes have increased in the past three years despite the financial crisis. In the world, in 2005 $805, in 2008 $924, and in 2009 $852 billion incomes have been gained from the tourism sector.