International Conference Current Security Challenges for the Western Balkan region
Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stifung , Prishtina
Volume: 117 pages, pdf
Bob Dylan once said: “I only sing what goes through my mind.” I will follow that motto and even just tell you –according to our subject - what is going through my mind as well. Currently Europe is facing the deepest crisis since the end of the Cold War. Numerous emergencies in the EU's strategic neighborhood challenge its role as a stable anchor in instable world. The EU is not surrounded by a ring of democratic countries. Rather it is faced with an arc of insecurity, instability and threats - stretching from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa, including the Middle East and the Caucasus Region - up to the new hybrid security threats in Eastern Europe. The security dimension is comprised of various security areas. These include political, economic, social, ethnic and religious challenges and are time and again interconnected - that often lead to military conficts.