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Labour Law: Its Implementation in the First Six Months

27 pages, pdf
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Labour Law: Its Implementation in the First Six Months

Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stifung , Prishtina

Volume: 27 pages, pdf


The Labour Law, which was approved on November 2nd 2010 and came into force on December 16th 2011, was considered by the citizens of Kosovo as one of the most crucial legislations that have been passed. The law was approved in the last plenary session of the third legislation period, the same day of the assembly’s dissolution. It was approved unanimously: 101 votes in favor of the law, with no votes against and no abstentions. Before, the government had withdrawn the law two times (although in a different version) from the assembly due to concerns over the high budgetary burden. Eventually, the government decided to pass the act to the assembly, partially thanks to the pressure coming from the trade unions. They threatened to boycott the election process if the law was not approved. The draft of this law was topic to various consultations and discussions, mainly between the associations of employers and trade unions. These were organized by the appropriate assembly committee and many other civil society organizations. In this context, GAP Institute published a paper concerning the content of the draft law, making suggestions and giving recommendations as to how to design some of its most sensitive articles such as maternity leave, working hours, and probation. These suggestions took into consideration the other regional countries’ experiences with its Labour Laws.