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Lost in Democratic Transition? Political Challenges and Perspectives for Young People in South East Europe

152 pages, pdf
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Lost in Democratic Transition? Political Challenges and Perspectives for Young People in South East Europe


Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung  BiH

Volume: 152  pages, pdf


Since 2005, the FES has supported national teams of experts in launching youth studies in eight transition post-socialist countries. The countries included are often treated as part of a group under the geo-political term ‘South Eastern Europe’ (SEE), although they differ substantially in many respects. These differences have much to do with countries being in various stages of accession to the European Union, which, of course, is not only a political issue but an issue that affects the entire social system. The FES youth studies in SEE align with international indicators while also being specific to issues within each nation. These comprehensive studies capture youth attitudes, beliefs, and participation in core domains of life, including democracy, politics, governance, and the EU and also include sections devoted to education, employment, religion, family and lifestyles. Each nation used a questionnaire developed in 2005 for Germany’s Shell Youth Studies as a template and made modifications based on their country’s context to ensure relevance to particular intra-national issues.