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Monitoring of EPAP Implementation

31 pages, pdf
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Monitoring of EPAP   Implementation


Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stifung , Prishtina

Volume:31 pages, pdf


With the status of Kosovo being resolved, the process of integration in European Union (EU) is expected to constitute the main objective for Kosova. The integration of a country in European Union is a long, difficult and challenging path. The road toward integration is a long and complicated process, since it includes fulfillment of criteria and standards that are a real challenge for a developing country, which is at the same time dealing with the state building and the process of integration. The situation gets even more complicated by the fact that Kosova is still not recognized by all the states and international organizations, especially by member states of European Union (Slovakia, Greece Cyprus, Romania and Spain), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The problem of recognition hampers and decelerates the international affirmation of Kosova, thus affecting its position in the international community. As a consequence, the opportunities for a greater political, economical and social benefit by international community are negatively affected.