Croat Self- Government in Bosnia- A Challenge for Dayton?
Publisher: ECMI Volume: 11 page, pdf Description: Political developments in Bosnia since the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords in 1995 have been gradual and slow. Many observers over the years have noted the lack of progress in numerous fields, especially in the return of refugees, the absence of economic reform and the continuous stranglehold of nationalist parties on the institutions of the state and its entities. In the course of the past year the pace of change has accelerated, putting into question some of the established patterns in the country, culminating in the decision of the main Croat party in Bosnia, the Croatian Democratic Community (Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica Bosne i Hercegovina, HDZ BiH), and its allies to withdraw from the institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the two Bosnian entities, and to form the so-called “Croat Self-Government” in its stronghold in Herzegovina in March 2001.