Migration and Development: The Effects of Remittances on Education and Health of Family Members left behind for the Case of Kosovo
15 pages, pdf
Migration and development: the effects of remittances on education and health of family members left behind for the case of Kosovo
Publisher: Analytical
Volume:15 pages, pdf
In a time of relatively free movement of labour and in the presence of migration, officially recorded remittances flows to developing countries have grown dramatically from $93 billion in 2004 to $278 billion in 2007 and appear to have recovered quickly to $325 billion in 2010 after the Global Financial Crisis (Mohapatra, Ratha, Silwal, 2011). Despite the economic downturn remittances appear to remain resilient compared to other resource flows and in 2004 they were as twice as large as the level of international aid towards developing countries (Adams and Page, 2005). Remittance flows, money sent by emigrants, are an important source of income for most of developing countries. The trend of remittances has had an important implication for the economies seen both in micro and macro perspective. In microeconomic perspective, remittances directly affect household’s income and consumption; whereas in macroeconomic perspective remittances influence poverty reduction (Adams and Page, 2005), economic growth, entrepreneurship and financial development (Aggarwal, Kunt, Peria, 2006).