Reflections on biodiversity offsetting in Mongolia
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 5 pages, pdf
From 21-29 April 2015 four European campaigners from Both Ends of Netherlands (Huub Scheele), Re:Common of Italy (Antonio Tricarico), CEE Bankwatch Network (Olexi Pasyuk) and Urgewald of Germany (Regine Richter) cooperating with OT Watch (Sukhgerel Dugersuren) visited Mongolia in order to: a) Understand the provisions of the new Mongolian EIA legislation including biodiversity offsetting and the administration’s capacity to guide the implementation and current implications for environmental conservation in the country; b) Understand Oyu Tolgoi and Energy Resource’s approach to biodiversity offsetting, its implications in Mongolia and the implementation of the new EIA law in their offsetting plans.