Assessment of opportunities for pre-accession assistance IPA 2 in Macedonia
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 15 pages, pdf
IPA II is envisaged to be a more flexible instrument. The coherence in approach will be achieved by better involvement of stakeholders in the programming process. The identification of core sectors is critical to a successful accession process which in turn will give stronger impact and better sustainability of the proposed actions. The Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) means dealing with sectors instead of projects and pooling resources together to improve policy dialogue and governmental sector. Such an approach is expected to improve the cooperation between the government, the EU and the other key sector stakeholders, but also to dramatically improve public spending and resource allocation within the sectors specified, thereby achieving greater coherence between policies, spending and results, and by reducing transaction costs. The transparent process of consultations envisaged with other relevant state and non-state actors is expected to build greater political consensus of the main development policies of the countries concerned.