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Rejecting fossil fuel subsidies: ensuring European Parliament’s consistency on climate change

5 pages, pdf
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 Rejecting fossil fuel subsidies: ensuring European Parliament’s consistency on climate change

Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network

Volume: 5 pages, pdf


Our environmental NGOs are alarmed that a new own initiative report on Cohesion Policy and energy might be considered sufficient by some REGI MEPs to consider that the rejection of fossil fuels subsidies in ERDF is put into question – overruling the clear REGI mandate voted in July 2012. The Parliament’s plenary has already voted several high profile reports repeatedly asking for the phase out of fossil fuel subsidies. Most of these reports are far more prominent that the above mentioned new own legislative report. In addition, the Parliament’s plenary has stated that phasing out fossil fuel subsidies “would liberate billions of Euros which could be redirected to supporting energy efficiency measures, thus contributing far better to the EU's strategic energy objectives of sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply”. There is a clearly identified alterative.