The Ukrainian nuclear power plant safety upgrade project and the EBRD's contribution to extending outdated Soviet reactors
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 5 pages, pdf
In November 2010 the EBRD and the EU’s Euroatom announced their plan to support EUR 1.2 billion nuclear power plant (NPP) safety upgrade project (SUP) for Ukraine. The loan from the EBRD and Euroatom is expected at EUR 800 million. The SUP includes upgrades to all 15 Ukrainian nuclear reactors and should be completed by 2017. The EU presents the project as a timely initiative to improve nuclear safety in the region. However a closer inspection into Ukraine’s nuclear development plans shows rather that the participation of the EBRD in the project would contribute in fact to higher nuclear risks, as the proposed project is a part of the programme to extend the lifetime of Soviet-era reactors.