Funding Europe's Future: How Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 can deliver for Europe's people and environment
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 44 pages, pdf
The economic and financial crises of 2008, the effects of which continue to pose such difficulties across the EU, have their origins in an unsustainable growth model that has not only wreaked havoc on the economic wellbeing of EU states and their citizens but that is also proving to be disastrous for the global climate, ecosystems and natural resources. Redirecting the EU’s Cohesion Policy to help correct this damage is not only urgent and essential to meet the EU’s political, legal, social and environmental commitments, but a revitalised, robust Cohesion Policy can also support the modernisation of central and eastern Europe’s economies and societies as a whole, creating millions of secure jobs in a truly sustainable way.