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Ensuring Effective Implementation of Annex 8 through the Recommendations and Proposed Activities of Expert and Civil Society Representatives

29 pages, pdf
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Ensuring Effective Implementation of Annex 8 through the Recommendations and Proposed Activities of Expert and Civil Society Representatives

Publisher:  ECMI

Volume: 29 pages, pdf


The ECMI project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) began its project on the role of Annex 8 legislation and implementation in autumn 2001 to provide a forum for experts to discuss an issue that had been largely neglected since the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP, or the Dayton Peace Agreement) in 1995. Annex 8 of the GFAP established a Commission to Preserve National Monuments in the wake of the destruction that devastated the cultural heritage of BiH during the war from 1992-1995. Through conversations with experts in BiH and from throughout the region, ECMI recognized the potential that this Annex could have on peace-building and reconciliation in BiH. The timing of this effort was fortuitous, as the Office of the High Representative of BiH became increasingly involved in addressing the issue in the last months of 2001.