Report from fact-finding mission on Corridor Vc motorway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23 - 25 February 2010
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 5 pages, pdf
On 23-25 February 2010 Bankwatch’s Balkan and EBRD Co-ordinators together with colleagues from the Banja Luka-based Center for Environment and Sarajevo-based Ekotim undertook a third visit regarding the Corridor Vc motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aims of the visit were to: • Obtain updated information on the proposed changes to the route at Blagaj and Pocitelj which were proposed in summer 2009 but which had stalled due to political issues. • Understand what progress has been made in establishing the Prenj National Park and how this may impact on the plans to build the motorway in the area. • Assess the impact of the motorway, if any, on the Kravice waterfalls. • To find out more about the possible public-private partnership (PPP) aspect of the project.