Photo report inspecting construction on the main pipeline for the Sakhalin II project in the Dolinsky District of the Sakhalin Region
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 20 pages, pdf
During the inspection which took place on April 3, 2008, the following sections of the pipeline route were observed along the 4th stream: 1) The pipeline crossing over the Rybnaia River (which flows to the Sea of Okhotsk), the slopes adjacent to the river in the pipeline corridor (PK 488.4), and the section of the river about 400 meters downstream from the pipeline crossing; 2) the section of the pipeline route between PK 460.2 and PK 465.0 (about 5 km), which intersects the Krasnaia River and a number of small waterways which flow into the Red and Baklanovka Rivers. The main subcontractor for construction on these sections of the pipeline is the joint stock company Welding-Assembly Trust, and the general contractor for construction of the main pipeline is Starstroi, Inc.