Failing local communities – the Land Assessment and Livelihoods Restoration Plan for the Nenskra dam
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 32 pages, pdf
In February 2017, JCS Nenskra Hydro released a supplementary package of documents to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (2015) for the Nenskra Hydropower project in order to comply with financing requirements by the European and Asian multilateral development institutions. The package contains a Social Impact Assessment and Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Plan that map the socio-economic profile of the impacted communities, assess the land acquisition impacts and outline the compensation for PAPs. As PAPs include the Svans, who manifest indigenous features, have traditional ways of life and depend largely on customary land for subsistence agriculture and livestock grazing, Bankwatch has been concerned about the threat the Nenskra hydropower project will pose to Svan livelihoods and cultural heritage.