Grounded in Washington: Extractive Industries Review Implementation in Europe and Central Asia (2004-2005)
111 pages, pdf
Grounded in Washington: Extractive Industries Review Implementation in Europe and Central Asia (2004-2005)
Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network
Volume: 111 pages, pdf
The goal of our research was to identify how much the projects comply with both EIR Report recommendations as well as the commitments that were made by the World Bank Group (WBG) Management in their response to EIR. In the selection of the projects for our assessment we attempted to go for a diverse range of projects as well as country locations. The projects assessed are: • Mine Closure, Environment & Socio-Economic Regeneration Project, Romania, IBRD • Hard Coal Social Mitigation Project, Poland, IBRD • Hard Coal Mine Closure Project, Poland, IBRD • Mayskoe Gold Mine, Russia, IFC • Russkiy Mir II (oil and gas terminal), Russia, IFC • Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC), Azerbaijan, IDA The project assessments, utilizing indicators covering both the EIR Report recommendations and the Management Response commitments, revealed that while there is some progress in several areas it is limited; and the progress is uneven across the assessed projects.