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Supporting Small Business Development in the Province of Manisa, Turkey: The Role of KOSGEB

82 pages, pdf
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Supporting Small Business Development in the Province of Manisa, Turkey: 

The Role of KOSGEB

Publisher: OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme

Volume: 82 pages, pdf


This case study reviews the role of KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization, Turkey) Service Centre in Manisa Province in supporting business and entrepreneurship development as part of the region’s wider economic development strategy. The review took place in the context of the enlarged mandate of KOSGEB, whose responsibility is no longer limited to providing support to SMEs in the manufacturing sector, but covers other economic sectors as well. A field visit to Manisa Province took place at the end of 2010 with the objective of interviewing key local stakeholders, those responsible for SME and entrepreneurship development, as well as those from the business community. The findings of this report also draw on a background report provided by a local expert prior to the field mission. In addition, a quick assessment of the implementation of the EU Small Business Act for Europe was conducted in Manisa Province in 2011.