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Local economic development, decentralisation and consensus building in Turkey

80 pages, pdf
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 Local economic development, decentralisation and consensus building in Turkey

Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd

Volume: 80 pages, pdf


This study explores the prospects of decentralisation and consensus building within the context of local economic development in Turkey. The broad theoretical concern of this research is about the relationship between the state and local communities and businesses as well as the tension between the centre and periphery in the governance structure of Turkey. Although we generally view Turkey within a broader context of Europe, we also see the unique characteristics of the country stemming from the dynamics of and interactions among its Ottoman heritage, Islam, democracy and modern industrialisation. Since we believe that any change in the centre-periphery relationship in Turkey can only be achieved with strong local abilities, political consensus and civic consciousness, the main emphasis of the research is the character of local capabilities, civic awareness and consensus building.