Human Security challenges in Kosovo
16 pages, pdf
Human Security challenges in Kosovo
Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Volume: 16 pages, pdf
Much has been researched and written about the challenges and possibilities of developing Kosovo further as a state, economy and society. It is common knowledge that the country’s economic policies have been oriented predominately toward public sector sustainability, a sector that is quite large and therefore costly. Furthermore, Kosovo has a well-documented challenge with informality, corruption, bureaucracy, and political instability, which are all contributors to discouraging foreign investments. As a result, Kosovo faces EU imposed visa restrictions that have put the population of Kosovo in a Ghetto like environment (Global Security, 2017). Without a doubt, human security in the Republic of Kosovo (hereafter Kosovo) is far from where it should be (Coleman, Human security in Kosovo: The other side of National Security?, 2016). Although many factors have contributed to the slow progress in Kosovo for the past ten years, and the state of the human security of its citizens, a central (and often overlooked) issue has been political instability, including constant early elections resulting in a series of unfinished government terms. As a result, the implications for human security have been dire, as the limbo in which political instability holds Kosovo’s progress only has fueled more challenges with food security, job security, and health security, among others.