The Balkans between past and future: security, conflict resolution and euro-atlantic integration
731 pages, pdf
The Balkans between past and future: security, conflict resolution and euro-atlantic integratio
Publisher: University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola Faculty of Security- Skopje
Volume: 731 pages, pdf
The international scientific conference “International Scientific Conference: The Balkans between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro-Atlantic Integration” annual conference organized by the Faculty of Security Skopje, member of the University Ss. “Kliment Ohridski” from Bitola.
1. Conference is the theoretical conceptualization of topical issues, with the task of encouraging and giving impulse to the evaluation of practice, with emphasis on opening discussions on theoretical and epistemological problems of security, conflict management, especially the need for defining the scope and the development of research methodology for security phenomena and security in general, its structure and forms of occurrence and the relationships between them.
2. The contemporary (global) security is focused on the issues of security and transition, conflict and conflict resolution in the Balkans, risk management, regional co-operation, building democratic relationships, rule of law, smart technology etc., which inevitably requires synergy of science, politics and practice in addressing and solving systemic and acute problems of the contemporary society.
3. In the last two decades the Balkans has been in the process of defining its reform processes and building institutions and institutional structure able to meet the requirements for Euro-Atlantic integration.
4. The countries from this region have achieved the objectives set by the Euro-Atlantic integration with different levels of efficiency and dynamics. Bulgaria and Romania are EU Member states since 2007 and Slovenia since 2004. Croatia has finished the negotiations and will become a Member state in July, 2013. Montenegro is in the process of negotiations for membership, Serbia is a candidate country with good chances to start the negotiations in a near future and Republic of Macedonia is leading a high level political dialog with EU representatives. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania are aspirants. This speaks about the commitment of all countries towards Euro Atlantic integrations.
5. In the last few years, normative conditions were created in the Republic of Macedonia for increasing and deepening the reform X process of its security systems, particularly of the police and the sector for internal affairs in general.
6. That is why it is important to consider the experiences from the reforms of the security systems, especially the transformation of police systems and organizations. In this sense, the exchange of experiences in EU member and candidate countries is of great importance.
7. Also important are issues related to risk and crisis management, particularly in the Republic of Macedonia in the period when the country has made a visible step forward in reforming its security systems and has become part of Euro-Atlantic integrations.
8. Bearing in mind all this, a need has emerged for the analysis of the preparations, the fulfillment of the conditions imposed by the European Union, and especially the definition of the legal framework and the functioning of the political system.
9. In this aspect, it is of great significance to evaluate the constitution and the development of the security sciences, as organized and systematized knowledge of the security as a phenomenon, its organization and relations, as well as its activities, which impose the need for critical revalorization of scientific and research efforts.
10. Security as science and practice spread, and thus the security system and policy must include broad concepts and practices of security.
11. European and Euro-Atlantic integrations of all countries in the region is of a great importance for development of democratic processes and maintenance of stability, peace and prosperity in the Balkans.
12. Failure to resolve the open issues between neighboring countries in the region remains a real threat to peace and stability, and the case of the Republic of Macedonia shows that it can be an obstacle to further integration into EU and NATO.