Lessons learned in peacekeeping operations
22 pages, pdf
Lessons learned in peacekeeping operations
Volume: 22 pages, pdf
The Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping was established within the framework of NACC in 1993. The aim of the Group isto develop a common understanding of the political principles of and the tools for peacekeeping, and to share experience and thereby develop common practical approaches and cooperation in support of peacekeeping under the responsibility of the UN or the OSCE. Since its inception, the Group has provided a valuable forum for comparing national experiences and learning lessons arising from our participation in peacekeeping operations. The Group presented Ministers with an initial report at their Athens Meeting on 11th June 1993, and supplemented this with a Follow-On report, reflecting lessons learned in more recent operations, in December 1995.
The Athens Report and its Follow-On collectively provide a good basis for a common understanding of the political principles involved in peacekeeping. The Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping has now taken its work one step further, with the aim of developing common practical approaches to peacekeeping, which was also identified as an objective in the 1993 Athens Report. This current paper represents a compendium of practical national experiences in recent peacekeeping operations, principally (but not exclusively) in the former Yugoslavia.