Fake News, Something New?
Publisher: Ion Stavre, Mònica Puntí
Volume: 8 pages, pdf
The purpose of this article is to discuss whether the phenomenon of 'fake news' is a new concept that has arisen with the emergence of information and communication technologies or is a previous term that has taken more force recently. First of all, in order to achieve this purpose, a definition of fake news is sought through a review of the existing literature on this topic. Secondly, a brief historical note is made about the phenomenon that serves as an introduction to the case studies that are explained in the present article. The investigation of the fake news phenomenon is analysed in the case studies in two different countries, Romania and Spain, and specific cases of each of them are explained. Finally, a brief reflection on the Internet, fake news and the new generations is made. The article concludes with some recommendations to deal with fake news such as promoting legal measures, returning to the basic values of journalism or collaboration between different institutions to achieve a better informed world.