Security Sector Reform 2009-2012
40 pages, pdf
Security Sector Reform 2009-2012
Publisher: Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM), Montenegro
Date: 2013
Volume: 40 pages, pdf
Research on this project began in 2009 and was concluded in April 2012. What makes this project special is the fact that researchers have worked on a number of questions (in the area of transparency, democratic control and the oversight, representation, etc.), a holistic approach that was used, contributed to the affirmation of the concept of Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans. “Unique component of this project has been an attempt to advance the methodology for mapping and monitoring of security sector reform which was originally developed by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy”. The researchers were dealing with the following criteria: Legal State (Rule of Law), General Transparency, Financial Transparency, Executive Control and Oversight, Parliamentary Control and Oversight, Control and Oversight by Independent State Institutions, Judicial Review and Representativeness. The largest number of activities has been implemented thanks to regular workshops, which were organized in all countries of the Western Balkans.