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Report on regional CSO Networks in the IPA region

93 pages, pdf
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Report on regional CSO Networks in the IPA region

Publisher: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations (TACSO)

Date: September 2012

Volume: 93 pages, pdf


TACSO commissioned this report on Regional CSO Networks in the IPA Countries (Western Balkans and Turkey) as an exercise to gain an overview of the existing networks and their collaboration methods, drawing conclusions on their influences and impact on CSO development and sustainability. The objective of the report is to inform TACSO and the EU as well as other interested stakeholders in the added value regional networks have in building sustainable CSOs in the region, what challenges they face and ways to support these networks as to enhance their effectiveness. Interviews were conducted with a total of six regional networks that agreed to and were available for interviews during the July 2011 research period, followed by interviews with eight CSO member organisations that were proposed by the networks. Furthermore, in order to provide a general overview of CSO networks in the IPA countries and importance of regional cooperation, their capacities and accountability mechanisms, the report starts from network research, with an introduction of the multiple concepts and definitions of networks, their manifold purposes and structures, preconditions for their effectiveness and the incentives and motives for CSOs to seek membership, up to analyses of the added value regional networks have in ensuring CSO impact and sustainability through three key areas of network engagement: the facilitation of sharing, may it be information or resources, the provision of services and influencing and advocacy.