Annual Report About Work of the Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Domestic Violence in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
12 pages, pdf
Annual Report About Work of the Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Domestic Violence in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publisher: United Women Banja Luka, BiH
Date: February – December 2007
Volume: 12 pages, pdf
Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Domestic Violence in region of Banja Luka was founded on the initiative of NGO “United Women” Banja Luka, and was opened for the first beneficiaries on 12 February 2007, when all working conditions were met, and initial financing of the Safe House was secured. On 14 March 2007, Safe House Banja Luka received Decision of Department for Social Affairs of City Administration Banja Luka that confirmed fulfillment of conditions related to premises, equipment and professional staff for opening and work of the Safe House, with written approval of the Ministry of Health and Social Care of Republika Srpska. In accordance with this Decision, Safe House in Banja Luka became the first object of this type and purpose that received working approval. Additionally, on 7 March 2007, Ministry of Health and Social Care of Republika Srpska issued approval on House Rules and Regulations of the Safe House, in accordance with the Article 14, Paragraph 2 of Rule Book about Methodology and Place of Securing Protection of a Victim of Domestic Violence (Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, No. 97/06). First two weeks of work in the Safe House focused on introducing professional staff with issue of domestic violence, and approach to work with a victim in moment of arrival in the Safe House. Working plan for professional staff and program for stay of victims of violence in the Safe House was developed. During this period, there were obstacles to normal functioning of the Safe House in relation to legislation, security of the premises, and way of financing.