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Opportunities and Challenges for Introducing Gender Sensitive Budgeting in the Area of Domestic Violence on Local and Entity Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina

64 pages, pdf
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Opportunities and Challenges for Introducing Gender Sensitive Budgeting in the Area of Domestic Violence on Local and Entity Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Publisher: United Women Banja Luka, BiH

Date: 2007

Volume: 64 pages, pdf


Social situation of women and men citizens of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina is extremely difficult. Majority of women and men citizens are at the edge of poverty, privatization was poorly conducted, and it is still ongoing with irregularities, and there is no sustainable return. In such difficult situation, women are marginalized in all segments of society. Women victims of domestic violence are in twofold difficult position - because of traumas they are experiencing, they are often helpless and incapable to step out from vicious circle of violence without assistance. The question is why the violence happens at all? The most frequent answers on this question are related to belief that all what happens within a family represents private matter, that violence is learned response in situation of stress and conflict, that man dominates a family, and for him violence represents acceptable behavior. Violence has extremely difficult consequences on children. With growing up in violent environment, children accept the given model of behavior as the only one, and repeat them in the future on the way that girls become victims of domestic violence, and boys become the abusers.