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Greening the energy sector-Does Macedonia need nuclear energy?

10 pages, pdf
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Greening the energy sector-Does Macedonia need nuclear energy?

Publisher: Analytica, Macedonia

Date: 2010

Volume: 10 pages, pdf


The construction of viable energy options for the next decades is at the centre of significant period in the national discussions in Macedonia. This was triggered in part by the adoption of the Energy Strategy for the period of 2008-2020 with a vision up until 2030. One of the options mentioned is nuclear energy and the possibility of building a nuclear power plant in the country. This option deserves to be adequately and properly analyzed and researched in the following years, as do other alternatives, RES, gas, coal. However, unlike the other energy options, nuclear energy causes lot of stir in the public and expert circles. Whether it is potentially hazardous or is a great investment option is still a big issue that necessitates closer inspection. This brief therefore tries to look at both sides of the discussion while also recommending several future steps regarding the exploration of nuclear energy in Macedonia to the relevant stakeholders. The brief represents a starting point in what should follow a comprehensive research on the benefits and risks that the nuclear option has, not only for Macedonia but for the wider region in general.