Newsletter “Fokus Kosovo” - Nr.1, May 2014
Publisher: Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe (EC MA Ndryshe), Kosovo Date: May 2014 Volume: 10 pages, pdf Description This is the first issue of an informative paper for foreign audiences regarding events within the civil society of Kosovo. A quarterly publication from January-April 2014, the newsletter features the work of Olof Palme International Center partners in Kosovo, as well as news concerning civil society and public authorities in the country. Since Kosovo underwent an election period, this issue of the newsletter conducted a short interview with Albert Krasniqi from the KIPRED Institute. In this newslater, Albert offers his views on the democratization of political parties in Kosovo. “Political parties are now starting to make the first steps towards their internal democratization, in response to a growing demand from their membership. But, still many of them remain far from democratic practices because the decision making is centralized to the leader or a close group around him/her.”