Brief Analysis: Urban Planning for Citizens
16 pages, pdf
Brief Analysis: Urban Planning for Citizens
Publisher: Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe (EC MA Ndryshe), Kosovo
Date: 2013
Volume: 16 pages, pdf
In world today, contemporary transformations of the city fabric cause a profound change to the contours of public and private spaces. These changes spark a lively debate in architecture and urbanism in relation to the transformation of the public space. This tradition of conception suggests holistic solutions which energize and transform cities into beautiful and healthy environments, with active and attractive public spaces that in social plan promote equality and sustainability etc. Lately, the literature on the concepts of sustainable development are increasingly added and has already taken an impetus a new thinking convention and the practice of sustainable urban design, which is largely reflected in the shift of the urban design agenda towards broader issues of environmental responsibility. And not environmental only. With sustainable development in mind, designers should equally pay attention also to the social impact and long-term economic viability, as elements that influence in the shaping of cities today. The concept is already regulated and is part of the law of many countries in the world. To encompass what was said so far, we may say that the city shapes our everyday life, through the opportunities, constraints and experiences it offers. It defines the physical and mental barriers and interrelations thus narrating the story of a society which has built it. A well designed city supports cultural integration, promotes health, strengthens the local trade exchange and fights crime.