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Education and Economic Development of Kosova/ Promoting Economic Development Through Civil Society Phase II (2002-2004)

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Education and Economic Development of Kosova/ Promoting Economic Development Through Civil Society Phase II (2002-2004)

Publisher: Institute for Development Research (RIINVEST), Kosovo

Date: 2004

Volume: 58, pdf

This publication covers materials from the 11th Session of the International Roundtable Forum organized by Riinvest Institute on March 30, 2004 at which the Education System and Economic Development were discussed. The aim of this roundtable was to promote an open and engaged debate amongst decision makers, civil society, and educational institutions on the need to establish a modern education system which would enable the new generation to participate fully in the processes of future economic development and growth. Riinvest presented its research report on “The Education System and Economic Development in Kosova”, which covers the results of the research activities and recommendations. The report is based on detailed research, including interviews with students, professors, representatives of educational institutions, representatives of the Government, study visits, meetings with key actors, etc. In this session of the IRTF, two representatives of Riinvest, a representative of the Government, the University of Prishtina and USAID made presentations.