Protection of the patients’ rights with focus on drug users
20 pages, pdf
Protection of the patients’ rights with focus on drug users
Publisher: Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women, Macedonia
Volume: 20 pages, pdf
The right to health is most closely related to the protection of patients’ rights which represent a set of rights, responsibilities and obligations, based on which individuals request and receive health care. These rights are stipulated by the Law on protection of patients’ rights in Republic of Macedonia. Individuals who are drug users and drug addicts should have equal access to quality and available health services as all other citizens. Those individuals are at high health risk, which includes overdosing and death, spreading infectious diseases (HIV, Hepatitis B and C), and somatic and mental health disorders. In addition, as result of their marginalization, they do not have sufficient capacity to fight for their rights, and therefore it is necessary to take activities to inform them about, and to promote and protect their rights as patients.