2013 Annual Review of Labour Relations and Social Dialogue in South East Europe: Albania
18 pages, pdf
2013 Annual Review of Labour Relations and Social Dialogue in South East Europe: Albania
Publisher : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , Albania
Date: January , 2014
Volume: 18 , pdf
Albania has made particular progress in socio-economic development during 2013. Economic indicators also increased during the year, but over the last two years the overall rate of growth was lower, compared to the previous period. Economic growth did not meet the predicted figures and 2013 turned out to be one of the most difficult years, as was the case with the other countries in the region. There has also been an increase in wages and pensions.
Economic development and EU integration are amongst the main priorities of the government’s programme. The country’s main policies in the last years led to a liberalized economic framework and improved conditions for business development and for attracting foreign investments. Albania is affected by the global economic crisis in many ways, such as: lowering of the GDP’s economic growth, significant reduction of remittances, high inflation rate and more unfavourable loans, etc.