The Role of Decentralization on Security Improvement and Peace-building in Kosovo
Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stifung , Prishtina
Volume: 32 pages, pdf
The accommodation of minorities in societies emerging form ethnic conflicts is a priority for sustainable peace building and security improvement. A concept of decentralization is among power-sharing forms of settling disputes between antagonistic parts of societies. Because of tragic history that Kosovo faced in the 90's, international community sought to implement the concept of decentralization which started in 2002. After the declaration of independence, Kosovo authorities legally committed themselves that, in accordance with the Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement (2007), decentralization would become as country priority policy for further peace-building in Kosovo. However, the Serbian community, which consists of less than 5% of overall Kosovo population, was skeptic on the initiative because of their political expectations of being part of Serbia. This behavior postponed the establishment of new municipalities – to be achieved later in three phases.