Reframing Social Policy: actors, dimensions and reforms
Publisher: University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje Faculty of Philosophy Office Skopje , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Volume: 235 pages, pdf Description: The articles in this Publication “REFRAMING SOCIAL POLICY: actors, dimensions and reforms” are result of the Conference on the topic “Contemporary Challenges in Theory and Practice of Social Work and Social Policy”, organized by the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy within the Faculty of Philoso-phy. The Conference, organized on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Education in Social Work and Social Policy in Macedonia, was an exceptional op-portunity to openly, critically and productively debate on the link between theory and practice, traditions and reforms, trends and challenges in social policies, both at local and at national level, but also at the regional and international level.