Annual Review of Labour Relations and Social Dialogue Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung BiH
Volume: 16 pages, pdf
In 2015, GDP in BiH grew about 1.2 per cent and GDP per capita for 2015 was 7,384 BAM. This equals only 28 per cent of the average GDP of the EU-28. Total GDP in 2014 amounted to 28.395 million BAM (1 BAM = 0.51 Euro). Unlike 2013, GDP growth in 2014 was the result of domestic demand rather than net exports. As part of flood recovery efforts, the investment was stimulated by payments. However, the stagnation of investments in the private sector continued. Private consumption in 2014 remained reduced due to continuing high unemployment and reduced wages. Industrial production in 2014 remained largely unchanged but the second quarter of 2015 showed some signs of increased activity.