An Overview of Migrations of Kosovars into the EU: Migration as a Multifaceted Phenomenon
32 pages, pdf
An Overview of Migrations of Kosovars into the EU: Migration as a Multifaceted Phenomenon
Publisher: Istitute for Development Policy (INDEP)
Volume: 32 pages, pdf
For decades migration has been shaping the Kosovar society. Labour migration, socio-economic and political interactions with Kosovo’s diaspora have had a major impact on the economic opportunities and the improvement of the welfare of Kosovar citizens. Financial inflows, including migration remittances and travel expenditures from Kosovo’s diaspora, have had - and still have - a multifaceted impact on society, particularly by improving the well-being of the citizens, reducing poverty, increasing access to education and health care, increasing household spending and consumption, etc. Today, around one in four families have family members abroad, of which one in four receive support from these family members in the form of remittances. Socio-economic, political, and civil unrest has led to various waves of migration, which have had a profound impact on the countries development prospects.