Republic of Macedonia Needs Assessment Report
37 pages, pdf
Republic of Macedonia Needs Assessment Report
Publisher: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO)
Date: 2014
Volume: 37 pages, pdf
The vast majority of CSOs in Macedonia continue to be dependent on international donor funds. Collectively, foreign funding streams remain the single largest source of financial support for CSOs. The EU funds, principally through the Instrument for Pre‐accession Assistance (IPA), are now the main focus of interest for CSOs. Other larger civil society supporters are Swedish Development Cooperation (SDC) and USAID.
This study is the initial activity within the second phase of the EU-funded project - Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) in IPA beneficiaries, conducted by SIPU International from August 2013 to July 2017. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of civil society in Macedonia and the environment that it works in, including its strengths and weaknesses, and challenges it faces in its further development. The study is based upon a combination of desk research embracing all relevant documentation, including legal and financial legislation applicable to civil society, previous civil society mappings and evaluations, situation analyses, policy documents and academic literature, and a consultative stakeholder analysis carried out by means of focus groups and interviews with civil society organisations (CSOs), government actors, donor organisations and other institutional players. The study is an integral part of the project inception and it provides the premise for the majority of other project activities by serving as the basis of the development of regional as well as national work plans to be implemented during the project’s duration.